Our history

Our launch
Through its subsidiary, PAET, Orca signed the PSA with the Government of Tanzania and TPDC in 2001 and embarked on a three-year period of construction. In 2003, Orca started to recruit and train its local workforce, with first gas being produced the following year.
In 2004, construction was largely concluded and first gas was supplied to the Songas power generation plant in Dar es Salaam. In 2009, debottlenecking works were concluded enabling production from the field to be increased to 110mmscfd.
Following a research study in 2010, Orca made plans to increase production to 140mmscfd, which started with the drilling of the SS-12 well and was completed in 2016.
Increasing gas production and developing downstream markets
From 2004, Orca focused on increasing gas production and developing downstream markets. Several major industries took the opportunity to switch from traditional, expensive and highly pollutive liquid fuel systems to reliable, cleaner and considerably cheaper natural gas.
Field development was critical to keep pace with demand, and in 2007 Orca drilled Songo Songo’s first new well, SS-10.
Power and industrial demand grew steadily and in 2009, the Company undertook debottlenecking works at the Songas plant to enable production from the field to be increased to 110mmscfd.
In 2012, Orca drilled SS-11 further increasing gas production after the Company had secured a major contract to supply TANESCO, the state electricity company, to further increase power generation.

SS-12 Well
In 2015-16, Orca undertook a major offshore well workover program and drilled SS-12. The workover program brought corroded and non-producing wells back into production to address declining reservoir pressure and ensure contractual obligations could continue to be met.
The SS-12 well was the first of the Songo Songo gas wells to be dedicated to supply gas to the newly completed TPDC gas processing plant on Songo Songo. Although production to the plant did not commence immediately, the well significantly increased production potential and eventually afforded some redundancy in both production and processing capacity.
In 2019, to again address declining reservoir pressures and ensure Orca could continue to produce on specification gas, a feed gas refrigeration facility was installed on the Songas processing plant.
Songas completion and future prospects
In 2022, Orca completed the installation of feed gas compression on the Songas gas processing plant via 3 x 35mmscfd reciprocating gas compressors, the project restored plant production capacity to 105mmscfd. Later in 2022, Orca completed well workovers on onshore wells SS-3 and SS-10, and the side-track of SS-4.
The program increased production potential from the field to approx. 155mmscfd via both gas processing plants.
Recognizing the significant increase in demand, Orca has continued to plan for further value realization, with a 3D seismic program planned for 2023, which will help map out what the next development phase of the Songo Songo gas field will look like.

Orca Energy Group operates one license in Tanzania which comprises two blocks known as the Discovery Blocks.
Scroll through the timeline
Signed contract for the acquisition of c.180km2 full fold 3D seismic acquisition over Songo Songo field.
Signed contract for coiled tubing operation to unload liquids from SS-4.
Commenced evaluation of low low pressure compression to address further field pressure decline.
Low Pressure Compression commissioned. Restored production capacity to 105mmscfd through the Songas plant.
Onshore well workovers and a side track completed. Addressed corrosion and increased production potential to c.155mmscfd.
Received approval to conduct full fold 3D seismic across >200km2 of the Songo Songo gas field, to commence in 2022
Workover campaign begins with the SS-3; well successfully worked over and returned to production for the first time since 2012
The Company obtains Songas approval to workover two Songas onshore wells (SS-3 and SS-4) alongside the pre-approved workover of the PAET well SS-10
The SS-10 well is the third well to be tied into the NNGI and the Songas processing plant, giving far greater flexibility in production management
Flowline debottlenecking completed to increase production potential by approximately 10mmscfd
The Company signed a lump sum turnkey for design, supply, installation and commissioning of feed gas compression on the Songas gas processing facility
The Company makes a charitable donation to local child cancer charity to enable stockpiling of medical supplies through the COVID-19 pandemic
The Company imposes strict protective measures to preserve operational capability through the COVID-19 pandemic
TPDC long-term gas sales agreement signed
The Company signs long-term gas sales agreement with TPDC setting the conditions to significantly increase gas production and sales
Completion of refrigeration installation
The Company completes installation of refrigeration on Songas processing plant to restore and sustain deliverability
Investment approval obtained
The Company obtains investment approval and enters into negotiations for the installation of compression to sustain production through the Songas facilities
NNGI well tie-in
The Company ties-in well SS-11 and well SS-12 to the NNGI
SS-12 NNGI gas production
The Company produces first gas from SS-12 to the NNGI to meet increased demand for power production
Management of downstream network
The Company assumes full technical responsibility for management of the downstream network, supplying gas to over 40 industrial customers
Kilwa District School support concludes
Conclusion of high impact English language training across all schools in Kilwa District, training more than 220 local teachers and over 15,000 students
Additional Gas Plan signed
The Company signs Additional Gas Plan 2 with Songas and the Government of Tanzania
Permanent Sovereignty Act 2017 introduced
Tanzania introduces Permanent Sovereignty Act 2017
First NNGI processing commences
TPDC commence limited processing of gas at 140mmscfd from the NNGI gas processing plant on Songo Songo Island
SS-12 offshore well completed
The Company drills and completes offshore well SS-12
Petroleum Act, 2015 introduced
Tanzania introduces the Petroleum Act, 2015
TDPC commences NNGI project
TPDC commences $1.2 billion National Natural Gas Infrastructure (“NNGI”) project to process and transport gas from the south of Tanzania and Songo Songo Island to Dar es Salaam
Well restoration completed
The Company completes the workover of three offshore wells (SS-5, SS-7 and SS-9) to restore field deliverability
Madimba processing plant opened
President Kikwete inaugurates the 210mmscfd Madimba processing plant
TPDC transportation agreement signed
Transportation agreement signed with TPDC to deliver gas to five industries at Mikocheni
Kilwa District Schools supported
The Company provides English language training for secondary school students in Kilwa District
SS-11 well drilling completed
The Company drills and completes SS-11 to increase gas production
Coastal pipeline & infrastructure expansion plan announced
Tanzania announces plans for $1.3 billion 532 km coastal pipeline and infrastructure expansion
Funding of research study
The Company funds study to increase production to a minimum of 140mmscfd
Scholarships introduced
The Company introduces scholarships and provides increased aid to schools on Songo Songo Island
Production increase
Debottlenecking of the Songo Songo gas plant allows production to increase to 110mmscfd
Wazo Hill Cement Plant supply
The Company constructs new pressure reduction station to serve Wazo Hill Cement Plant
Dar es Salaam CNG facilities
Construction completed of the Compressed Natural Gas (“CNG”) facilities in Dar es Salaam
Downstream expansion
Downstream expansion program increases supply of natural gas to more industries
New well drilling
The Company drills SS-10, the first Songo Songo well in 25 years
Increased demand due to drought
Drought increases demand for gas-fired generation at Dar es Salaam
TANESCO contract
Long-term gas sales contract negotiated with TANESCO for power generation
Marine seismic program
Marine seismic program identifies Songo Songo West drilling prospects
First gas produced
First gas produced from the Songas gas processing plant on Songo Songo Island
Dar es Salaam downstream construction and commissioning
Construction and commissioning of the downstream distribution network in Dar es Salaam to serve industrial customers
Tanzanian workforce recruited
Tanzanian workforce recruited and trained to operate the Songo Songo gas plant
Financial closure achieved
Songo Songo gas to electricity project achieves financial closure
Government approval
Government of Tanzania approves the Songo Songo gas to electricity project
Completion testing program
Completion of a five-well testing program
Licence aquisition
PAET acquires Songo Songo licence
Songo Songo gas field discovery
The Songo Songo gas field was discovered by AGIP