A major priority moving forward for Tanzania will be developing the infrastructure and resources to allow natural gas to meet future power demand.
It is widely recognized that natural gas will remain an integral component of the transition to a lower carbon economy for the foreseeable future, a concept that is fast gaining momentum as an abundant, effective and sustainable energy resource in Africa.
The Songo Songo project was Tanzania’s first natural gas development and east Africa’s first gas to power project
Songas owns the infrastructure that enables the natural gas from the Songo Songo field to be transported to Dar es Salaam where it is consumed by power and industrial customers. This includes a 110mmscfd gas processing facility, a 25 km 12 inch offshore pipeline and a 207 km 16 inch onshore pipeline.
The blocks are located in shallow water 15 km off the coast of Songo Songo island and 200 km south of Dar es Salaam
The main reservoir is developed in Lower Cretaceous aged Neocomian to Albian sandstones (Neocomian), while Upper Cretaceous aged Cenomanian sands that lie unconformably on the Lower Cretaceous sandstone provide an additional reservoir when developed. The source rocks are overlain by a thick section of late Cretaceous and Paleogene shales, forming an excellent top seal.
Growing production to assist with Tanzania’s energy needs
With the widely held view of natural gas being a transitional fuel, Orca is well placed to help Tanzania meet its growing energy demand and is well positioned to support the development of Tanzania’s transportation, energy production, and economic industrialization, whilst at the same time contributing to the country’s commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Growing production from the Songo Songo gas field in Tanzania is a core focus for the Company and we continue to work with our stakeholders to ensure that natural gas remains a significant proportion of the energy mix for Tanzania’s expanding industrial economy.